About Liat Berko
Welcome to Euphoria
If you're reading these lines that means you’re interested and that’s a good start! I come from a complicated place in my mind and manage to shift my life to a simpler state: from darkness to light, from anxiety to joy, from insecurity to hope. I jumped from the “known” to the "unknown" just to reveal who I am. and guess what?!? I fell in love with myself!
That required a lot of courage and a lot of work but that’s how I started creating real magic in my life.
If I did it - You can do it too!
Transformation is contagious & magical! It actually happens from within, from your inner temple - out to the world. once you have the will to explore about yourself and truly connect from the inside, the sparks of light will start revealing the new loving being that you are. You just need to allow the transformation and the universe will take care of rest.
Euphoria is a temporary state of consciousness that can be achieved usually with “external help”. I can help you reach that state of mind from within you in a pure way that will shift your life and keep it steady.
Photography by Tamara Benarroch
My Story
I had it all. I was living the dream. I was married with two beautiful kids living in the heart of Tribeca in downtown Manhattan in a beautiful apartment. I created my dream company. I was producing live music concerts and worked with my favorite musicians from Israel. I even produced the biggest show for the Israeli community at Madison Square Garden. I was invited to different events every night. I had thousands of friends. I was traveling all over the world on vacation, and spent every summer in Israel..
~ BUT I WAS NOT HAPPY ~ something inside of me was not quiet.
Once I experienced my cousin separating from this world at the age of 45- leaving behind her three kids & her family - it put everything in perspective for me. I understood the value of my time in this world and how I truly wanted to live authentically and truthfully.
I was depressed- struggling with my demons; complaining, frustrated, and not complete. Till I understood- I had to leave everything I knew and step into the unknown to explore more.
I separated from my husband. I separated from my community. I left New York and moved to Miami with my two boys, starting everything from zero. Now, I take the time to dive into my soul and listen to my inner self.
During pandemic 2020 I completely surrender. I started keeping “Technological Shabbat,” meaning I disconnect from all my technological devices for twenty-five hours a week. This helps me reconnect to my inner self. I let my heartbeat guide me and not my mind. I connected to nature, to myself, to my kids, to my family, to my surroundings but especially to the divine. I fell in love with life!
I took the time to do things I had never done before: I read every book I had put aside, I took every course that I wanted, I start practicing yoga & meditating. I started to believe and found God inside of me. I got emotional from a thought. I was on a spiritual path and I was happy. I felt alive, free & liberated into the unknown.
I was in Euphoria.
This is were I learned to live my life with less anger, no anxiety, no stories & complication in my head, no stress. Everything became lighter, much more simple and enlightened. Life became much more loving; I was dedicated to my true happiness. I was living in acceptance of myself & others and every day was a gift to cherish.
I became Euphoria.
Liat Berko
Yemima Avital’s(1929–1999) z”l - A wonderful educator, a psychologist, and spiritual force that teaches a unique spiritual approach combining psychology and kabbalah.
Yemima z”l, a descendant of a family of Kabbalist from Morocco, immigrated to Israel at the age of 20 and lived in Be'er Sheva.
In the 1980s, Yemima Avital, a contemporary Moroccan Israeli healer and a female Hasidic Rebbe, developed a method for emotional and spiritual growth which is rooted deep in Jewish Kabbalistic traditions.
Now known as the Yemima Method, this structure of cognitive thinking is used and studied by thousands, mainly in Hebrew. Jewish teachings often point out the importance of having a healthy character and a positive emotional state, yet it is not always clear how to achieve these goals.
At Euphoria State of mind, we are fortunate to learn from Jewish spiritual practice educator, Liat Berko a Yemima Method student and leader, who has translated the method for English speakers. Yemima methodology includes dictation, journaling, discussion, and self-inquiry. The goal is to become a learner and to develop and grow spiritually and emotionally.