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The ultimate portal that will guide you to discover your inner truth and lead to mindful happiness. 

Euphoria is defined as: a feeling of well-being or elation (Marriam-Webster Dictionary)

Euphoria Has Greek Roots. Health and happiness are often linked, sometimes even in etymologies. Nowadays "euphoria" generally refers to happiness, but it derives from "euphoros," a Greek word that means "healthy." 

People are constantly ​searching for happiness. Having money, family, social status, educational credentials or a successful career are not substitutes of happiness. I believe that happiness exists inside of us, and that one needs to want to reveal it. And even after it was revealed - happiness can be elusive, which means it requires ongoing support. Euphoria State of Mind is a powerful mindset that will result in long lasting happiness.  


Euphoria State of Mind's mission is to facilitate a mindset shift that will enable people to realign with their inner motives, purpose and self confidence through curated methods, programs and mentors. Our services include: Online and in-person events, private sessions, access to online workshops led by the best and most inspirational mentors in the world and access to inspiring resources. Our programs are designed for both individuals and corporate teams. 

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Are you ready to step into yourself?

About Liat Berko 

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