讛砖驻讛 讛住讜讚讬转 诇讗讛讘讛 注爪诪讬转
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Service Description
The Secret Language of Self-Love, Deep Connection, and Sacred Intimacy Join us for a free online introductory webinar where we鈥檒l explore the foundations of Heart Wisdom, inspired by the teachings of Yemima. This session is designed to introduce you to transformative practices that awaken self-love, foster deep connections, and nurture sacred intimacy in your life. What You鈥檒l Gain: 馃専 Insights into the secret language of self-love and how it shapes your relationships. 馃専 A deeper understanding of creating meaningful connections with yourself and others. 馃専 Practical tools for cultivating emotional stability, self-worth, and inner harmony. Whether you're seeking personal growth, stronger relationships, or alignment with your authentic self, this webinar is the perfect first step on your journey. ABOUT LIAT BERKO Liat is a Relationship Healer and MetaLife Coach with a master鈥檚 degree in psychology. She specializes in guiding women and couples toward conscious, love-filled lives, self-acceptance, and empowerment. 讞讻诪转 讛诇讘 讘讛砖专讗转 讬职诪执讬诪指讛 讛砖驻讛 讛住讜讚讬转 砖诇 讗讛讘讛 注爪诪讬转, 讞讬讘讜专 注诪讜拽 讜讗讬谞讟讬诪讬讜转 诪拽讜讚砖转 讛爪讟专驻讜 讗诇讬 诇讜讜讘讬谞专 讞讬谞诪讬 讘讜 讗爪讬讙 讗转 讬住讜讚讜转 讞讻诪转 讛诇讘, 讘讛砖专讗转 转讜专转讛 砖诇 讬职诪执讬诪指讛. 讛诪驻讙砖 讛讝讛 谞讜注讚 诇讛讻讬专 诇讻谉 转专讙讜诇讬诐 诪砖谞讬讬 讞讬讬诐 讛诪址注执讬专执讬诐 讗讛讘讛 注爪诪讬转, 诪注诪讬拽讬诐 讞讬讘讜专讬诐 讜谞讜转谞讬诐 转砖讜诪转 诇讘 诇讗讬谞讟讬诪讬讜转 诪拽讜讚砖转 讘讞讬讬讻诐 诇驻注诪讬诐 讗谞讞谞讜 诪专讙讬砖讬诐 转拽讜注讜转, 诇讗 诪住讜驻拽讜转 讜讞住专讬 讗讜砖专 讘讞讬讬谞讜 讜讘诪注专讻讜转 讛讬讞住讬诐 砖诇谞讜. 讬讬转讻谉 砖讗谞讞谞讜 讞讜讜转 转讞讜砖转 专讬拽谞讜转 讗讜 讞讜住专 讞讬讘讜专, 讻讗讬诇讜 诪砖讛讜 讞住专, 讜诇讗 诪爪诇讬讞讜转 诇诪爪讜讗 讗转 讛讚专讱 诇讛转拽讚诐. 讝讛 讬讻讜诇 诇讛讬讜转 诪爪讘 砖诪讜讘讬诇 诇注讬讬驻讜转 专讙砖讬转 讜诇转讞讜砖转 谞讬讻讜专 讻诇驻讬 注爪诪谞讜 讜拽专讜讘讬谞讜, 讜诇诪专讜转 讻诇 讛诪讗诪爪讬诐, 诇讗 诪爪诇讬讞讬诐 诇讛专讙讬砖 砖诪讞讬诐 讗讜 诪住讜驻拽讬诐. 诪讛 转专讜讜讬讞讜 馃専 转讜讘谞讜转 注诇 讛砖驻讛 讛住讜讚讬转 砖诇 讗讛讘讛 注爪诪讬转 讜讗讬讱 讛讬讗 诪注爪讘转 讗转 诪注专讻讜转 讛讬讞住讬诐 砖诇讱. 馃専 讛讘谞讛 注诪讜拽讛 讬讜转专 砖诇 讗讬讱 诇讬爪讜专 讞讬讘讜专讬诐 诪砖诪注讜转讬讬诐 注诐 注爪诪讱 讜注诐 讗讞专讬诐. 馃専 讻诇讬诐 诪注砖讬讬诐 诇驻讬转讜讞 讬爪讬讘讜转 专讙砖讬转, 注专讱 注爪诪讬 讜讛专诪讜谞讬讛 驻谞讬诪讬转 讗诐 讗转 诪讞驻砖转 爪诪讬讞讛 讗讬砖讬转, 拽砖专讬诐 讞讝拽讬诐 讬讜转专 讗讜 讞讬讘讜专 注诐 讛注爪诪讱 讛讗讜转谞讟讬, 讛讜讜讘讬谞专 讛讝讛 讛讜讗 讛爪注讚 讛专讗砖讜谉 讛诪讜砖诇诐 讘诪住注 砖诇讱 诪谞讞讛: 诇讬讗转 讘专拽讜 诇讬讗转 讛讬诇专讬转 讜诪讗诪谞转 注诐 转讜讗专 砖谞讬 讘驻住讬讻讜诇讜讙讬讛 讜转注讜讚转 诪谞讞讛 诪讜住诪讻转 诇砖讬讟转 讬诪讬诪讛. 讛讬讗 诪转诪讞讛 讘讛讻讜讜谞转 讗.谞砖讬诐 讜讝讜讙讜转 诇讞讬讬诐 诪讜讚注讬诐, 诪诇讗讬诐 讘讗讛讘讛, 拽讘诇讛 注爪诪讬转 讜讛注爪诪讛. 讘讗诪爪注讜转 讛讙讬砖讛 讛讬讬讞讜讚讬转 砖诇讛, 砖诪砖诇讘转 注讘讜讚讛 住讜诪讟讬转 注诐 专讬驻讜讬 专讙砖讬, 诇讬讗转 注讜讝专转 诇谞砖讬诐 讜诇讙讘专讬诐 诇讙诇讜转 诪讞讚砖 讗转 专爪讜谞讜转讬讛诐, 诇讞讝拽 讗转 注专讻诐 讛注爪诪讬 讜诇讬爪讜专 诪注专讻讜转 讬讞住讬诐 诪砖诪注讜转讬讜转 讜诪讗讜讝谞讜转. When: [Tuesday, January 28th at 11:00 AM EST] Where: Online (Zoom link will be provided upon registration) Cost: Free Register now to reserve your spot!
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Contact Details
3402 Griffin Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA